
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Elegant Displays on a Zero Budget

Well, nearly zero. My booth design is finally ready for this weekend's show. I've tweaked and fussed, lost sleep, and worried, and now it's looking pretty good.

This was how it looked last year:

For the 2010 show, I've eliminated the grid cubes in the corner, and all the little picture frame displays for the smaller necklaces. They were ridiculously unstable and it was tricky to get the necklaces off them at the point of sale.

My conundrum this time was how do I display my new clay work? I've added brooches to my inventory, which I'd never had before. As well, I've got all these pretty little necklaces with chains that get tangled up with each other and knotted. I could lose sales while trying to sort that out.

I want displays that look elegant AND cost next to nothing to create. Always up for a challenge, I dusted off my mojo and got to work.

Take one ugly bulletin board from Staples ($20)
Sponge on some leftover paint ($0)
Fire up staple gun to tack down a velvet remnant from a friend's stash ($0)
Cover the staples with a ribbon ($0.75)

"Voila!" A boho-chic display board.

This board will go where those grid cubes were in the previous photo, leaning against the wall.

After the board project was finished, I still had a small piece of the velvet. I'd picked up a drawer organizer several years ago at a yard sale for $2.00. The gorgeous cherry wood is in new condition! I cut foamcore to fit the compartments and glued on the velvet. Wowzer! That's a display worthy of the bracelets I have ready to sell.

Now the only thing I need is customers. I have high hopes...

copyright 2010 Shibori Girl


  1. Your reworked booth display will be fabulous as is your jewelry. Happy selling...

  2. wonderful, wonderful!!!! good luck!

  3. you have the best eye
    for detail
    of anyone i know!


    it all looks
    Beyond Wonderful
    to me, missy!

    i hope you have the best time

    i have ~*High Hopes*~
    that you will!

    {{ i wish it were easier
    for me
    to actually Pop In... }}

  4. It looks very good. Booth designs are the hardest thing but you have done a great job.

  5. Kate,
    Absolutely gorgeous. I also have given the fliers to friends and have the envelopes to give back to you. All the best and hope you sell out.

  6. Not only does your setup look great, but your work looks wonderful. Sending you success vibes :). And have fun, too!

  7. You're like the Einsteness of beadery and the Martha of display!

    You cannot miss-everything looks like what sparkly dreams are made of!!

