
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Memories, Keepsakes, and Talented Friends

We've almost reached the 2nd anniversary of Pooch's passing. While we've enjoyed the freedom from caring for a terminally ill pet, we still miss him something awful. This upcoming anniversary coincides with a fun contest blog buddy and portrait painter, Enzie Shahmiri, was having on her Facebook page last month, titled "Dogs With Attitude". She needed to get some paintings done for a May showing, and asked for photos of dogs. If she chose a photo to paint, the photo's owner would win a prize.

Well, our little Pooch certainly had attitude! We used to refer to him as an 80 pound personality in a 12 pound body. So, I dug around in the photo box and came up with one to send. Enzie loved it and got to work on a painting. She captured his expression perfectly:

... that look he'd get when he was ripping the guts out of a fleece toy. If he could talk he would have been saying, "Oh, so you think you're going to get this away from me? HA!"

I had to have it. And now I do. It's even more charming "in the paint", so to speak.

"Love Them Bones", oil on linen, 6"x 6"

If you aren't familiar with Enzie's wonderful painting style, stop by her website to see what's on her easel. Her blog for Pet Portraits has lots of furry eye candy. There are also gardening, cooking, and Orientalist painting blogs. Where does she find the time? I'd like a sip of what's in her cup...

copyright 2011 Shibori Girl


  1. Dear Kate,
    Thank you so much for mentioning me and my work in this lovely post about your cute little pooch. I hope that the painting will bring you joy for years to come and often remind you of the treasured moments with your beloved pet.


  2. Delightful!!! Both your Pooch and the wonderful painting. As the caretaker of a 14-yr-old dog and 22yr-old-cat, I completely understand all the sentiments! Off to see your painter's site...

  3. How wonderful! Pooch would be pleased! :D :D :D
