Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Take a Step Back and Breathe...

Today is Day 10 of the Battle of The Beadsmith. I've been bent over my table, nose in bead bowls, since April 1st: string a bead, stitch a bead... over-and-over.  With myopic vision, literally as well as figuratively, I work the tiniest details of my piece according to plan. Or so I thought.

This morning I realized one of the sections got away from me and developed a plan of its own. Large. Sparkly. Explosive color. Apparently my Bad Angel is perched on my shoulder again and she's whispering in my ear "More is more".  Well now, THAT wasn't what I had planned at all.  How to proceed?  I think I will listen to that naughty girl and expand the rest of the piece to match because that center piece is AWESOME! That's my trouble when I start with a plan: usually the piece takes a left turn halfway through and decides it wants to be something else entirely. Well, OK then. In the meantime, I need to step back and think for a day or so, to see if that's where I want to go with this project.

I wish I could post pictures; if I did you'd be as excited as I am!  In the meantime, I soldier on, bead-by-bead, consuming mass quantities of Fireline and sparkly goodness until the Big Reveal.

Stay tuned...

If you would like to follow the Battle on Facebook, let me know or contact The Beadsmith so we can add you to the group roster.

copyright 2013 Shibori Girl


3rdEyeMuse said...

I'm impressed you know how to exercise the step-back part of yourself ... I tend to barrel though - sometimes it's successful, but more often I have to start over. Looking forward to seeing how it comes together.

Marsha Wiest-Hines said...

Go Kate!!!

Julie Cowan said...

Rock on Bad Angel!!!!! I can't wait to see what trouble she gets you into!!! =)

Katie Dean said...

I think your bad angel sounds great - can't wait to see the finished results!