Last week, we installed the mini blinds and vertical blinds. They look SO much better than the old pink drapes! Clean, neat, and modern... just what I wanted.
(The framed print you see next to the door is one of my sister-in-law's pear images.)
About two weeks into the project, Marble Man and I were talking in that Stream-of-Consciousness way we do, when he said, "You know, you could paint the switch and outlet covers... you could even make each one different!" I cringed inside because, usually when he makes a suggestion of "what I can do", it involves WAY more work than I want to put into whatever it is.
I had to agree that his suggestion was a creative one, and I did like the idea, but I knew in my heart it was going to take a lot of time. I promised I'd think about it and work up some designs.
Then I'd try one, just one, on the next rainy day. He rubbed his hands together with glee saying, "Oh, good! 'Cuz I know you can't stop at just one." Living with someone who knows me that well is a curse, I tell ya!
Wouldn't you know, last week it rained? And rained, and rained... *sigh*. Time to honor my promise and get out the acrylics and fine brushes.
I must confess, I got through my college art studies and never took a painting class. Whatever I've learned over the years has been through trial and error, and discussions with my mom about her own painting experiences.
My first switch cover turned out so well, I can hardly believe I did it myself!
I woke up the day after I finished the first one (still raining), feeling all charged up to work on the second:
Two down, five to go! Each cover took me several hours to do. I used the acrylics like watercolors so I had to wait between each wash for the paints to dry before moving onto the next layer.
I don't think we can use the words "bland" or "depressing" to describe this room anymore. It turned out so well, I do a little happy dance when it's time to cook.
copyright 2009 Shibori Girl