Currently, I am busy working in black and white. I made a number of cabs, large and small, for bead embroidery projects. Once the beads are out, I thought I might as well do them all at once.
Here is what my worktable looks like today:
Originally, I had planned to use some super-sparkly AB Swarovski crystal bicones in these projects but I couldn't find them anywhere in my studio. It was driving me mad. I gave up looking and finished the beading without the sparkles. It turns out I had over-organized my space. Last year, I decided it would be smart to create project boxes: cabs would be stored with the beads I had in mind for them, labeled, and stored where I could easily see the labels. One of those boxes held black and white cabs.... and those danged crystals! When I made the new black and white cabs shown above, I completely forgot about the existing box! What a knucklehead.
Thanks to a dear old friend, Paul Hallinger, I've now been diagnosed accurately with BOSS (Bead Over-organized Stress Syndrome) HA! :D
I hope to have several pairs of earrings ready to put in my Etsy shop by the end of the weekend.
copyright 2013 Shibori Girl