Monday, January 19, 2009

One World, One Heart

To all of you who have commented on this post:

I am overwhelmed by the reaction I have received with this giveaway. As of 11:30 AM on February 11th, comments are closed for these prizes. It's going to take me all day to pick the winners from the nearly 600 comments you have all left!

Thank you so much, and I hope you will come back again for a visit. I'll keep the cookie jar full.



Be still, my heart… One World One Heart is Here! We’ve been thinking about it for weeks and weeks, and now, here you are!


I’ve been writing my blog since early 2005. I had some false starts, but finally found my groove last year. Things I love about blogging: the spontaneity, the freedom, and the friendships I’ve formed with people I probably would never have met otherwise. This blog-wide celebration is a fabulous chance to increase my sphere of friends and I embrace it. If you want to know more about this event, please click on the logo above.

My participation includes two (count ‘em: TWO) giveaways - one for two lucky customers! They are:

1) a handmade, silk ribbon embroidered picture frame

The frame is 5” x 7”, is covered with a lovely pale blue rayon/acetate moiré faille, and has an acetate insert to protect your photo.


2) My other giveaway is a pair of my handmade earrings

These earrings have sterling silver filigree ear wires, agate stones, sterling silver bead caps, and freshwater pearls. They are approximately 1.5 inches long.

They will arrive packaged on a small earring card featuring a copy one of my own sketches:

To qualify for these giveaways,
1) you do not need to be an active blogger
2) please leave a comment here on this post (and this post only please)
3) be sure to include contact information, preferably an email address or link to your own blog.
4) if you have a preference for either one of the two giveaway items, please specify in your comment which one you would like. I'll have two hats ready and toss your name into the appropriate one of your choosing. If not, then I'll surprise you when your name is picked.
5) you do not have be participate in One World, One Heart. Just the act of stopping by and commenting qualifies you for the drawing.

The drawing will be on February 12, when two lucky people’s names will be drawn out of the hat.

Meanwhile, grab a cookie, and stay awhile to say “hello” to the other visitors…


1 – 200 of 572   Newer›   Newest»
T.Allen said...

This is so exciting Kate! I didn't participate, but I am lurking about looking for more kindred spirits of the blogosphere. Have fun!

Carol Stocker said...

What a delightful blog and generous gifties! Please enter me in your drawing while I look around your place a bit more. Hugs, Carol

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Kate I am so happy you are participating again this year....I've added you to the list. This frame is lovely and those earrings fabulous.

OWOH event host/participant

Anonymous said...

Yay, a cookie!! First you give me salmon cakes, or trade me ;) then cookies. Can I move in???

I am sooo glad you are in the blogging world!! You add such light & kindness, and talent!

xoxo, V

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what beautiful work you do! I would LOVE those earrings :)

Gloria said...

Add me to the "Earring Hat" - they are so pretty!

Anonymous said...

OOh...I would love to win the earrings - gorgeous!

contact me at:

Anonymous said...

I too would love the earrings...very unique.

BTW - thanks for the cookie! :)

Tina Leavy said...

ooh thanks for the cookies:0) I'd be delighted to have my named tossed in the hat for the lovely photo frame. absolutely lovely work.
so very nice to "meet" you. I too will be participating in the event starting tomorrow.

Artseyanne said...

They are beautiful, please include me in your generous draw.
Anne S

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

=I chose a snowflake cookie!=

I would be very happy to win either of your creative prizes! Either the earrings or ribbon embroidered frame. So please, if I am a winner, you choose the prize you feel most inspired to send to me.

Be sure to enter my prize party give away too!
It includes BEADS!!!
And TRIMS!!!

Amber Dawn

PS, I posted a typo within my previous comment, so I deleted it.

nikki/WhiMSy love said...

They are both very lovely! Please enter me!
(I'm also part of OWOH!) said...

Thanks for the cookies. Beautiful giveaways, you are multi talented. Visit me I have a giveaway also. Rachael -

Bella Modiste said...

Gorgeousness! Please enter me in your drawing! I'll be making my OWOH post in the next day or so..time got away from me!
The Bella Modiste

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name to your giveaway :)

sewfunky said...

Please enter me in your OWOH giveaway!

I'll be putting one up on my blog in the next day or so - :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the cookies;) please count me in and be sure to visit me

Unknown said...

So nice to meet you. Thank you for such a beautiful giveaway. Please enter my name in your drawing.

Happy OWOH,

Carolee said...

What lovely giveaway items! Please enter my name fot the picture frame. The earrings are so beautiful, but I don't have pierced ears...I'm participating in this event too, so pleased drop by. :)

~ Carolee

Anonymous said...

Hello Kate,

These are fantastic, please add my name to your giveaway!

~ Gabriela ~

Kara said...

Count me in! thanks for the cookies;o)
Kara ~

somepinkflowers said...


{{ how like you to think of that }}


i do not want to appear to be greedy
as i have a pair
of your Wonderful Earrings

i can never have too many
of good things.

do drop over
and see my treasure
once again, thanks ever~so for the snack.

{{ however,
i DO NOT have
a adorable little blue frame
like that

just so you will know. }}

GraceBeading said...

Hey... thanks for the cookie, I needed the energy to make it around the world of blogs! I'd love to be entered for the earrings - so generous, thank you!

Please swing by my 'place' when you get a chance and enter my drawing if you're so inclined.

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

Oh I love your blue frame! It's my fave color! And earrings and cookies too! Woohoo! I love this event...great artists and art...what can be better than that?

carylsrealm said...

Thank you for the Cookie, and I'd love to be entered! :)
Please stop by my blog-give-a-way, too! :)

Joanne Huffman said...

I love your frame and earrings. Please enter me in your drawing.
I invite you to visit my blog to enter my drawing


Mel♥ said...

Everything is beautiful! Count me in!

Yummy thanks I was hungry!

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

So glad you stopped by, now I am the lucky one to see your beautiful offerings ~ I Love the Earrings, count me in....

Puddles of Grace said...

Wow, those earrings are gorgeous! Thanks for the yummy cookies!

Sherry Goodloe said...

love love love those earrings!! Happy OWOH :) Please enter my name in your give-away, and stop by and enter mine as well!

lori vliegen said...

hi kate! your frame and earrings are do wonderful work!! i know that you're going to meet lots of great folks through this event...those cookies are going to be gone before you know it! :))

Dolores said...

Beautiful work. Dolores

The Engineer said...

Love the earrings! Please enter me. ~Julie K.

pam T said...

oooo add me to your frame drawing, please! Gorgeous!!!

Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

Can't pick, you decide. Stop by mine too.

Latharia said...

mfmfmmfmmm...thanks for the cookie!

That frame is simply magnificent!!! And those earrings ... wow. I'd wear them an awful lot! Maybe I have a slight preference for the earrings, but both are just awfully generous giveaways!

Thank you for the opportunity to win! I've also posted a OWOH giveaway on my blog ... feel free to visit! :D

latharia at comcast dot net

Nancy Malay said...

Love the prizes and the cookies! Stop by and register for my prize when you can,

*~tabby~* crooked heart art said...

beautiful items for the owoh giveaway
i am in love with those earrings!!
yum yum
many thanks

Sara said...

Very beautiful work. The work on the frame is stunning...and the earrings are beautiful.

I would be honored to win either.

LW said...

What wonderful items for a give-away…
All are beautiful, please toss my name into your hats…

thank you,

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

I'd love to win the earrings!
They are beautiful!

Hugz, Dolly

SpiritMama said...

You have a lovely blog, thanks for including me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Michelle said...

Oh what fun! Please add me! Your treasures are so lovley!

Shariyah said...

What a beautiful blog you have and an awesome give-away! Please do enter me enter your drawing, and if you haven't already come visit my blog and sign up to win my prizes!! Lovely to meet you, and I look forward to getting to know you more~

Peace & Love


Ottilias Veranda said...

Lovely giveaway! I love Your sketchbook! Please count me in and feel free to visit me if You already haven´t.

Liisa (OWOH participant)

Anonymous said...

What beautiful gifts! Love to take part and hope you visit me - if you have not already done so - for a giveaway as well!

Francie Horton said...

what beautiful prizes! i would be very happy to receive either one.

i love the sketch that you use for your earring cards. i can't wait to look around your blog more. thank you for sharing.

Speak To Me said...

Put my name in the cookie hat!!! LOL No, they are both lovely, so I would be pleased to have either.

Sara Strand said...

the earrings are beautiful! Enter me in the drawing! :)

Jennifer said...

OOOO, the earrings, the earrings... they are so pretty and I can only wear sterling silver and that is exciting! :)

carolyn said...

what a generous giveaway you have! please enter me in the "earring" hat. i am obsessed with earrings !
thank for the cookie. it was yummy!

xashee's corner said...

Thank you so very much for the chance to win your AWESOME giveaways! This is really so much FUN!! hehe Hope you have a BEAUTIFUL day! :D

Peggy Parker said...

Beautiful creations! Either would be lovely to win!

Diane said...

Your work is beautiful, please add me!

sandee said...

What an AwEsOmE giveaway!!! Count me in!

Please visit my blog for my giveaway!

mindy said...

everything is so creative thanks for the giveaway

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Your OWOH giveway items are gorgeous! Please enter me and make sure to come on over and check out mine.
Have a wonderful week.

Loralynn said...

Hard to surprise me!

AwtemNymf said...

Beautiful earrings! So dainty & delicate! Please count me in the give-away (earrings) please.

gma said...

Thanks for the cookie....mmmmm
Please enter my name in your drawing. It's lovely!!!

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Thanks for the delicious cookie!! ;-)
Your artwork is lovely. I'd love to win the beautiful picture frame (although the earrings are great also!)! Please enter me in your drawing. I am also participating in this wonderful event!

Greetings from Germany,

Diana S said...

I love OWOH! Both prizes in your giveaway are beautiful! Please enter my name to be picked in either/ both :) drawings. Your work is beautiful but please stop by and visit my giveaway!

stampgram said...

Those cookies made my mouth water...they look so yummy! And your giveaways are both awesome too. I like them both, but since I don't have pierced ears I would choose the lovely frame. Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

nice blog
please add me to your giveaway

carolyn h

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I'm also an OWOH participant :)

Ann said...

I'm having so much fun visiting all the OWOH blogs! Please enter me in your giveaway, and stop by to enter mine. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love your work, sewing and jewelry, really great, please enter me in your give-away

CreativSpirit said...

I would love to win either of your beautiful gifts, so please enter me in the draw. Love your blog.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish I had just half of your natural talent. Beautiful work!

Born in the year of the Dog said...

You are one creative lady. Wow doesn't do justice to your work. Thanks for sharing. Colleen

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

What thoughtful gifts!! It is so wonderful to meet new friends...m.

Anonymous said...

I never pass up a cookie, but I spotted the cupcakes in the back and grabbed one of those! YUM!
I love both giveaways and would be blessed to win either. You choose!

Christine said...

Oooo...I want those earrings Kate! Really it would be nice if I won them as I seriously need some nice earrings:) So happy to have found you too this past year!
Those cookies are calling my name..
~Christine :)

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

I love cookies! What a fantastic blog-your hand died silks and fabrics are beyond words! I would love to enter your drawing, too!

Kims Art said...

Hi, It is so nice to meet you! Those cookies hit the spot. I love those earrings! Please throw my name in the hat. You have a beautiful blog.

Anonymous said...

I love love love the earrings! Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!!


Lolly said...

Please count me in for your AMAZING giveaway! You are VERY creative - even down to your packaging!!


The Odd Bird said...

Please add me to the list. These gorgeous earrings would look so great on me... lol...

Mahala said...

Please count me in!

Letha Richardson said...

I would be honored to receive either of your lovely creations! I guess you could just surprise me :0)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How wonderful! I am enjoying a cookie while I peek around your blog, too! Thanks!

Visit me to enter...

Tumble Fish Studio said...

What a lovely giveaway (and yummy cookies too!). It was a pleasure to meet you and see all of your interesting posts. Hope you have time to visit me too!

Anonymous said...

gorgeous blog candy :)would love to be included in your giveaway

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

The cookies are wonderful and so are the giveaways! Please count me in and visit my drawing too! Pleasure to meet you!

Terri Pezzullo - Handmade said...

What a great give away!! Both of your items are beautiful!

I would prefer the picture frame if I win, and I'm taking a cookie now...

brokenteepee said...

munch,munch, the picture frame would look beautiful in my goat house. munch, munch, munch. I can put a photo of my new kids in it. munch, munch. Thanks for the drawing. munch. burp, munch.

Please be sure to stop by my burp, blog for a chance to win some of my goat's milk soap.

I think I ate all the cookies. I am very sorry.

Tammie Lee said...

ummm yum, thanks for the cookie, would you like a cup of tea? ;-)
Your silk embroidery is gorgeous, I use to do some of that. I found it quite relaxing, satisfying in the end and exciting to design and make. Your earrings are wonderful too. I would love to be entered for the earrings.
Please come visit my blog.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win pick! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Please visit our giveaway, too :)

Sophie said...

Beautiful giveaways! I would love a chance to get those earrings! Gorgeous!
(email on my profile)

Leslie said...

Love the frame and earrings. I'd love to enter, Leslie

nancye williams said...

Thank you. Thank you.Kate you are indeed generous. Add me please.

Melissa said...

Thanks for your generosity. Please enter me in your drawing.


Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

What a awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win! Ad me to the hat for the frame.

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

altermyworld said...

Hi please include me in your giveaway.



Earrings please

Kathryn Costa said...

Wow look at the number of visitors you have received. I hope many new people discover your wonderful jewelry. If you place my name in the hat, I'd love those earrings!

xoxo k

Rhondamum said...

Wow! I love those earrings and appreciate the cookies - lol! Hope to show them off! xoxo

Geri said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!! Great blog!

Kitty G said...

Thanks fo rthe chance to enter your drawing. I can't decide which I like better so I say "surprise me please" :-)

Tammy's Crafting Spot said...

Please enter me in the fun. Thanks for the wonderful blog candy.. This frame is so cute and those earrings are simply fabulous

Thistle Cove Farm said...

O My Goodness...those earrings are breathtaking!
Sandra @

Vera said...

Kate, you are so talented! These earrings are gorgeous! As well as your sketches!

Anonymous said...

That frame is beeeutiful and those earrings too. Such a generous offer. Thank you.

Ragamuffin Gal said...

From one Kate to another, You create some beautiful art and I would absolutely love to win one of your drawings. Please visit me and enter my give away too! Many Blessings, Katie

Unknown said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I love them both, they are both fabulous gifts! The frame is absolutely beautiful and the earrings are gorgeous, too! I'd be happy with either one! I hope you stop by my blog to enter in my giveaway if you like tatted lace at all! :)

Dschrader said...

I love your site and your work is just stunning! Please enter me in the drawing!
Donna K Schrader

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Oh cookies! Yes!!!

Lovely gifts, thanks for being a part of the OWOH.

Unknown said...

I adore the giveaways, and the sketch may be my favorite. Great work. Nice to meet you and thanks for visiting my blog.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love a chance to win. Thank you!


gin said...

Lovely gifts you have for the giveaway. Count me in please

Unknown said...

Beautiful creations, I love that frame. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my OWOH giveaway. I am so thrilled to be finding new friends in blogland. Please enter me in your giveaway drawing.

3rdEyeMuse said...

woohooo! a chance to win a pair of your GORGEOUS earrings! please count me in. :)

happy, happy OWOH-ing!

Anonymous said...

Love your offerings, they're so elegant. Please enter me for a chance. Thanks for participating, it makes it so fun to have so many places to visit. Do stop by and enter mine too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

~*~Patty S said...

Lovely and generous giveaways, please enter me for a chance to win.

Blogland is a very special place!
visit me at OWOH#122

Pamela said...

I love those earrings. How lovely. And I sure wouldn't turn down one of those cookies! Stop by my place to enter my OWOH giveaway.

rochambeau said...

Hi Kate,
Wonderful work you share today.
You have masterful hands and fingers!
Hope you have had fun today!

Unknown said...

Wow... you are so talented, both giveaways are beautiful. Please enter me in the frame. Thanks.


Beadcomber said...

My first time participating. Love your blog Shibori Girl! Great idea and generous give aways. Come on over and enter mine too. a funny word for word verification...'pasha' I know it means something....

jjwiskus said...

Please put me in for the earrings.
I like your blog...
stop by mine and enter
light my torck

Christy T said...

Gorgeous giveaway and gorgeous blog! Please add me to the list for those pretty earrings :)

Come visit me if you have the chance!

Peggy said...

I just love them both. I hope I win!


Cyn said...

Your silk ribbon embroidery is beautiful!!

artbeckons said...

both of your giveaways are beautiful and anyone would be blessed to win either one... the cookies look yummy too =)

Marilyn said...

Ooooo, cookies--thanks, I'd love some:)
I'm so glad to meet you, Kate! Thank you so much for your visit to my blog this morning.
Both of your giveaways are really beautiful! I would be very happy to win either one--please add my name to your drawing.

Doreen said...

Please enter me in your drawings. Your work is lovely!

Unknown said...

I love those earrings, please enter me! Stop by for my giveaway when you have a chance!

Maija said...

Both are beautiful!

Monique Kleinhans said...

Thanks for the cookie!

Both of your items are so beautiful it really is hard to play favorites...but I HAD to pick, I think I would go for the earrings. (but I'd certainly be happy with either!)

So regardless, I would love to be a part of your drawing! Please enter my name and stop by to see my post as well!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for participating in OWOH! Please enter me in your giveaway. You are amazing!


Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am also participating, would love for you to stop by. :-)

Jax said...

Yummy! Thanks for the cookies! Count me in for your drawing too please. Thanks for participating. It's so much fun to check out all the neat blogs!

Heart's Desire Jewelry said...

I love, love, love the picture frame. Please enter me in that drawing.

Ann Marie

Morna Crites-Moore said...

Both very beautiful! Please put me in the earrings hat!

Connie said...

they are both great gifts! I have no preference!
thank you,

jackie said...

Great giveaways!

.Trudi Sissons said...

Lovely and your card to affix the earrings to is a creative idea for sure!
Please enter at my site as well.

jamaise said...

The frame is beautiful! Well so are the earrings! Thank you :))


Jane O' said...

It's so difficult to choose, but I think I'll go for the earrings.
Please enter me.
You're welcome to visit my OWOH giveaway also.

Linda said...

Thank you for the cookie, please enter my name in your draw.
Cheers Linda

Bibi said...

Mmmm...yummy cupcakes! And so are the photo frame and earrings :) Visit me at

Miri said...

Thank you so much for your generosity. Please count me in! Thanks, Miri

Astrid Maclean said...

Gorgeous giveaways. Please count me in and come and visit mine if you wish.
Greetings from bonny Scotland

Doda said...

pretty items.
Please enter me to your giveaway.

paintergal said...

Mmm, delicious cookie!
I'd love to be chosen for the earrings. Thanks!

Shoozles said...

Oh how I would love to be dipping those cookies in my coffee right now :)) beautiful offerings

Such an exciting project isn't it?
Please add me to the list and visit my blog for my give away as well :))

ByLightOfMoon said...

What a wonderful blog and One World, One Heart giveaways! I hope I have a chance at winning your sweet gifts! I am also in this event at ByLightOfMoon

Modernicon said...

The earings are so eligant plz add me in the drawing for the earings

Claudia said...

Cookies were great! Thanks! Inspired me to bake. Please enter me into your drawings.


Jodi said...

I absolutely love the earrings ~ please enter me in the drawing for these. Thanks so much for the chance to win these!

Malissa said...

beautiful frame and earrings! Surprise me if I win!

Mimi Head said...

Such beautiful needlework! I love the colors. Please enter me and if you can stop by my own blog and enter the drawing. Yours, Emily

Gerry said...

what a great give away prize. Please count me in. And also (if you haven't already) please visit my blog to enter. Thank you.

s hyler said...

What a Wonderful Handmade Frame to put a treasured photo in. The earrings you made are very pretty. I am so glad to have found you, thanks for taking part in the OWOH.
Have a Wonderful day

barb cabot said...

Would love to be included. Thank you, Barb Cabot

MichelleK said...

Both are beautiful!! Thank you -

Carrie P. said...

You have been blogging for ahwile. I am new to it. This one world giveaway is exciting. I would be happy with either gift if I won. Thanks.

Gera Scott Chandler said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm... coookies!
thanks for this and please sign me up!

Check out my site too-

best wishes-


Elena said...

thank you for being part of this wonderful event and for letting me be part of your giveaway!

Abbie said...

Hi Kate,
your jewelry line is just fabulous!

Down Abbie's Road

sue said...

the cookies are delicious, Kate and the giveaway frame is beautiful

Unknown said...

Beautiful frame. I would be delighted to enter the drawing.

Tammy L Sexton

bluemuf said...

fantastic items, love the frame. please add my name to the draw.


pinkglitterfae said...

thanks for stopping by my blog! I would love to be entered in your draw as well, I love earrings so that would be my preference :-)

cookies sound nice :-D

Mallory said...

They cookies are yummy as are your giveaways!! I love the frame!! I've always wanted to learn how to do ribbon flowers like that. Thanks for the chance!


Angie in AZ said...

I'd love to be entered in your give away for the beautiful earrings that would look terrific on me! ;)
Feel free to check out my give away as well:

Linda East said...

How lovely...the frame or the earrings would be a treasure to keep...please enter me in your give away...
Create & Share
Linda (Okla)


I am very taken with those elegant earrings...please enter my name in your drawing. :o)

Sandi said...

Surprise me! Glad I found your blog.

Linda said...

Wow!! Include me into your drawing I love both!! Good cookies...fat free, just what I like :)

Corrine said...

I love the earrings best, but the picture frame is gorgeous too, thanks for such a generous give away

carlton170 said...

I've taken a wander round your etsy store, you have some beautiful items and I may well be back.

I'd love the earrings if my name comes up trumps.

Thank you!


Elizabeth said...

Gorgeous Earrings! Please enter me in the drawing for them. thanks for the chance to win!

Carole Burant said...

I grabbed two cookies, hope you don't mind! hehe Jumping up and down! Pick me! Pick me!! I'd so love to be entered in your draw:-) xo

Czel said...

Indeed a wonderul way of making new friends from all over the world. Ü

And what lovely giveaway!
Thanks for the opportunity to be included in the draw...

Subic Bay, Philippines

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks for participating. ddsellers(at)hotmail(dot)com

crazierinreallife said...

thanks for the cookie. it is so yummy with my cup of tea.

Janice said...

What a fabulous giveaway. I especially love the earrings.

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture frame, I am an embroider fiend so really appreciate the work glad I dropped by, please count me in!

Dragonlady said...

Lovely prizes, I would love to win either....

Anonymous said...

Your picture frame is awesome, but please put me in the earrings hat! I have a friend who would love them. Your earring card is amazing! Barb

Smokeylady60 said...

Please enter me. Both are just so beautiful. I would love to win either.

Janice said...

Both items are can surprise me!

Please enter my drawing at

My Blog!

cpullum said...

Wow count me in nice items!
Stylish too!

{Le Petit Poulet} said...

What a fun thing to participate in! I would have to say that while I love both items I quite fancy the gorgeous frame :)

Kit said...

My mother was an artist and after looking at your book I think you are truly amazing! Love your designs esp. the earrings. Please count me in. Thanks, Kathy

rusted wings said...

such lovely work and a wonderful give-away! please count me in!

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

I love the jewelry frame :) I'd give it to my Mom - she'd be in love with it!

Come check out my giveaway at

Ruthie :)

Anonymous said...

Both items are too cool but my ears are just screaming for the earrings!!

Thanks for participating!


Jocy said...

Both giveaways looks wonderful, but the earrings are absolutly great! Please count me in your drawing! And if you havent't already, please stop by my blog for a chance to win my giveaway!

uniquecommodities said...

Lovely items! I love those earrings! Please come by my blog and enter OWOH giveaway as well!

EADotCom said...

Gasp! These are beautiful! You are indeed talented. Please enter me for your draw.

I have something small to offer, but feel free to take a look at my sites. I have two - and Have fun.

jet1960 said...

I would love to win either of your beautiful prizes. Thanks for the chance. I will be participating, too, but don't have my act together yet. Please check in later this week at my blog:

Aihara Ramintessah Sanchez said...

Hi. I love the way you explain the happiness of blogging brings as I feel the same.I am planning to join the OWOH too.I love your works and I would be happy to receive anything from your goodies. Il be visiting your place every now and is my blog

Glenda said...

hiya I would love to win either,both are beautiful thanks.I am a OWOH host from glendas.

Jeck said...

I love both.. the you have great hands for drawing.. TIA!

pumpkinhaus said...

great! two giveaways! please add me!

Anonymous said...

I love your earrings, I make earrings too - see my blog for my giveaway, I am giving away earrings too! :-)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win either one.

Irma :)

'RainbowRose' Connie Faulconer said...

Oh how stunningly BEAUTIFUL!!! I would be so honored to be entered in your giveaway! I will also be back to check out your blog more often as well. Really GORGEOUS work!
Blessings~ RainbowRose Connie

Anonymous said...

How lovely! I would be delighted to win either of your wonderful gifts, though the picture frame is especially calling to me. :)

trisha too said...

I'd be happy with either!
my OWOH is at:

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