My webland evolution has been tortoise-like: slow and steady. First it was an email address, about 12 years ago. I was happy to dip my toes into the Web Pool with email, getting in touch with some old friends and current family. And it was great to be in such close, and frequent, contact. At the time, I thought email was about all the internet I was interested in. How wrong I was!
In the mid-90's, Marble Man, my resident techno-geek, told me I should have a website. So, we designed one, and after several permutations, got it to where I'm happy with the way it came out. Of course, no one EVER goes there! So, I use it mostly as an online catalog for store buyers and potential customers.
After the website was up for a while, I got turned onto blogging. And well, it was Marble Man who (once again) told me I should start one. After a bunch of false starts and some resistance on my part, I found my voice. You can see from my sidebar just how much I've enjoyed it. I've even learned a bit of html code so I can tweak my template. (I can't leave anything alone!) If there is a way to make my site reflect my own tastes, then I'll figure it out.
Last year, I signed up with That was a big leap for me ~ having to take all those pictures, upload all my inventory, etc. But it's been good, and I've had some sales from it.
Now, along comes Facebook. Marble Man's family convinced him to sign up for it this weekend when they were all together. I was very surprised that he did it. But, he's been telling me about it and sounding so animated that I checked into it for myself. I never thought I'd do this - I mean, to have so many people out there able to see what you are up to minute-by-minute, seemed very intrusive to me. I signed up anyway - as Marble Man said "c'mon, honey! Get with the Millennium, already!"
I got my page all set up, lined up some "friends", and have been poking around the site getting familiar with it. So far today, I've been on Facebook for about 5 hours. I think I might need an intervention! As one of my friends just posted: "Slowly, back away from the computer..."