Friday, November 21, 2008


T-t-t-t-t-h-h-h-a-a-a-t-t-t ch-ch-chattering you hear is my teeth. It is COLD here. We've got January weather in November - it's even snowed - twice - this week! That's unheard of here in North Carolina. I'm trying to keep warm with hot drinks, my favorite fleece jacket, heavy socks...and a dog who sleeps in my lap all day.

In other news, it's finally show weekend! I went to the church bright and early to scope out the space allotted to me - kinda small, but I can work with it. I have great neighbors, one of whom said my customers are welcome to use her full-length mirror, so I can use the space I'd planned to put one to display scarves. How nice is that?

Here it is as I first started:

I put all the stock out so I could position the little spotlights in the right places, then had to take it all down again for the night. The room is locked, but not secured, at night, so people suggested I take the jewelry items home each night to be safe. A little paranoia's a good thing, right?

The show is a total of 7 hours, 4 tomorrow morning and 3 on Sunday, and last year they had an attendance of 3000 people! I'm told that Sunday morning is going to be over-the-top crazy busy. We open right after morning services let out, and they've got a Mexican Mariachi band planned to perform. Should be interesting and fun...I'll keep you posted.


Fete et Fleur said...

It looks beautiful already! I hope you sell out.


Gabriela said...


A Mariachi band! I love that stuff, how fun!

Good luck and post lots of photos.

~ Gabriela ~

Anonymous said...

YAY! It's already show time..hope you have many sales and find potential future customers :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

rochambeau said...

Good luck!
I know you will do great Kate.
Makes lots of sales and have lots of FUN!

Terri Pezzullo - Handmade said...

Well It's 5:00 here in R.I how'd ya do???? Waiting, waiting, waiting. Well you must be out spending all your profits I hope!!